Feierlich hergerichtete Werfthalle. Runde Tische ohne Gäste.
The key figures


dancing guests

LED bulbs in the 70 years’ logo


70th anniversary customer gala
Maréchaux Elektro AG

Some 260 festively dressed guests came together to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Maréchaux Elektro AG in SGV’s shipyard hall in Lucerne, beautifully decorated for the occasion.

Steffi Buchli, charming as ever, took charge of the proceedings throughout the evening. In conversation with owner Ernst Maréchaux, the guests heard about the company’s history. Senior executives delivered presentations on the company’s current major projects and provided insights into its plans for the future.

In terms of entertainment, Comixnix & Cie amazed the audience with their visions, while the Öff Öff aerial dance company kept it on the edge of its seats. The atmospheric occasion was rounded off by an exquisite anniversary meal.

Furrer Events worked alongside Maréchaux Elektro AG in the design, planning and organisation of the gala. Our team also ensured that everything went according to plan on the day.

Gäste sitzen an den feierlich dekorierten runden Tischen in der Werfthalle.
Podiumsdiskussion mit mehreren Personen und Moderation.
Feierlich hergerichtete Werfthalle. Runde Tische ohne Gäste.
Feierlich hergerichtete runde Tische ohne Gäste.
Empfangsbereich mit Gästen.
Show am Jubiläumsanlass.

Jubiläum Maréchaux Elektro

Show am Jubiläumsanlass.